Thursday, April 10, 2008

My Siblings

These days staying at home..i got to play with my siblings alot. disturb them. talking to them. acting stupid with them. But I think about it. About when they were young. Did I play with them enough? How was I to them? Did I teach them the right stuff? Was I good to them? I can't remember some parts of it. I can't remember when they were little children. Did i unleash horrendous torture on to them? Or I made them smile? I don't remember. And when I was in army...that period was a blank. I was not home often. And they just grew up. By the time I was back, I was in University. And they are all grown. My brothers at least..have all grown to my height (and twice me width) and my sister was not a little baby animore. I felt that I missed watching them grow up. Just those short 3 years. And I missed it. And all those nights staying back in school studying just makes it worse. I wonder if my dad felt that way. Its like my dad is watching a fast motion video...u noe those type which show how a plant grows everyday in a matter of seconds. Before he knew it...his eldest son is 25..just 5 years younger than him when his eldest son was born. I wonder if he ever felt that he missed out something. At least looking back.. I think I have learnt a lesson here. Time passed cannot be taken back. Children grown into adults cannot be shrunk to children again. I will spend time with my children. I will watch them grow. I promise. I don't want to miss a single moment. Ever again.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Hot view

I don't know what Chinghui wants... a hot view or something "hot" to look at...hmmm

Monday, April 7, 2008

UROP to hand up in 5 days and all i get is this stupid mat

5 days to UROP report submission and all I got is this stupid thing that reminds me of straw mats....