I was just browsing through some game hints for Red Alert...then I saw this...
Create a map and have a river run through the middle. Make sure the river is three squares wide. Next, put about three squares of ore on one side and a lot of ore and mostly gems on the other side. Then, add whatever objects desired and play the map. Make sure you start on the right side with a lot of ore and gems and build. You can make a lot of things while the CPU can barely make anything. Use the river for sneak attacks with a lot of transports.
WTF??? Then play for wat? Might as well don't give the CPU any ORE at all... RUBBISH! and to think its put up in the website..liews...
some other hints...are less stupid but still very DUH
If you are under attack by enemies that are coming by bridge, transport, APC, or Chinook, destroy them quickly to cut them off.
Of cuz la..but not all the time u can destroy them on time ma..DUH@!
When starting a skirmish game, build everything you can see on the right-side menu. You will be able to build new things. Keep doing this until everything is unlocked. But make sure you build an Ore Refinery first, so you can get money easily.
Another DUH one...of cuz you can unlock everything when you have built everything la...how can that count as a hint....
Maybe there are very stupid pple in this world...i dunno...