Tuesday, February 5, 2008

So long more

Hai.. when will the day come? Where I can fly to america to meet my beloved one?

HAiz...still got one sem to go. Its not like its holiday...then i can just slack ard...and wait for time to pass. I have to use my brain. Hate to use my brain when I'm in this "missing someone special" mode.

Oh well.. at least I get to see Geck everyday... Even though she watches show sometimes and I just see her cute face.. wide eyed.. and letting out bursts of laughter at times. Haha.. but she gives me enough attention though. Don't fret. Just want to describe how she looks like when she watches TV while I am watching her. hahaha. you don't get to see it in real life one. Cuz...well..you just don't sit in front of her when she is watching a favourite show....thats just asking for your ass to be kicked. Hahahaha.

4 months....can't wait...

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